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Alderon is a Founding Father, who was also a member of the AOF in the beforetimes (there under the handle 'The Great Pretender'). Since The Order moved to NMA, Alderon ceased to be an active poster. During all of 2003-2007, he made no posts at all in The Order's forum. Then in 2008 he returned to make a total of 19 posts.

Battles 2009 Drama[]

More noteworthy is perhaps his return in 2009, for the Battle of the Orderites. He was summoned on March 18th by Kilus via a messenger client (MSN?), to vote in the Round 5 Semi Finals between TwinkieGorilla and Daimyo. The voting [[1]] read, quite simply, "i vote for :Daimyo", which was deemed to be in accordance with the 'Darth Vader' voting rules for the fight. The final minutes of said match were very dramatic, and Alderon's vote tied the fight to a final result of 7-7, meaning that a Sudden Death Round would follow to determine the victor.

This dramatic turn of events lead to a notorious TwinkieGorilla Rage-quit. Twinkie boycotted the Sudden Death match, did not show up in it, and Daimyo took it down 12-7.

Twinkie's [reaction] to Kilus' Operation Alderon read: "fuck this shit. i'm done. go ahead and let daimyo win. i'm tired of putting time into this shit for nothing. fuck all of you, seriously. fuck the fucking fuck off. in the spirit of jebus before me, suck my asshole you fucking lame fucking faggots." Shortly thereafter, he [[2]] "i officially fucking quit and hate every last one of you."

After Alderon's Battle shenanigans, he's only made three posts - all of them in 2009. First he made two additional posts in the Battle forum on March 18th and March 19th. Then he made a final post on June 23d, offering his wellwishes to KSM. What Alderon has been doing since then remains unknown.


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